Balance Group
Balance …. When it’s not a problem you don’t think about it … but when it’s a problem you can’t think of anything else…
Wendy, as part of her masters degree studied balance and enjoys putting the theory into practice in the group that she runs every Wednesday afternoon.
If you are advanced in years and want to maintain / improve your balance or if you have balance problems please come and join our balance group which is held in Leeds 8.
Activities include addressing components required for balance:
* upright standing
* strength
* coordination
* stamina
Time: Wednesday 2:30pm – 3:15pm
Venue: The Manor, 10 Ladywood Road, Leeds, LS8 2QF
Cost: £5
- Activities adapted to individual needs
- Feedback from Attendees
September 2017 • I have less neck pain and I am able to turn my head more • the “pins and needles” in my left arm have reduced
• vertigo has decreased
• I am more active in my everyday life
• I feel good after I have been
• I enjoy getting my muscles moving more
• I enjoy the company
• I enjoy having a laugh!